Friday, 5 June 2009

Bad start to a day

Its not a good idea to read the news in the mornings. Not when you read things like this. I felt a stab in my heart as I read that this baby was also born in January 2007, like D. Their closeness in age brought home the baby's (Baby H) pain to me. I remembered how delicate D felt when she was a few weeks old, how everyone would touch her as tenderly as possible. Baby H had her body pushed forcibly into clothes at that age. How she must have cried! 

My eyes are smarting with tears. We human beings are so cruel. But how could they do this to a baby, a tiny frail little thing. How could they?

Two days ago I had commented on TMM's blog that motherhood builds character. Now I am not too sure.

Friday, 13 March 2009

Red Nose Day

And I had no idea that such a day existed. D was asked to come to nursery in all red to mark the day and we were asked to donate one pound. Intrigued, I turned to internet and learnt that it is a day where funds are raised through comedy (mainly) to support many charities across the world. Comic Relief, as you may say. You can find out more about it here.

The concept brings a smile to my face.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Its a beautiful life

My Darling D,

In 5 days you turn 2 years old and I have not even completed a sentence before my eyes well up. I write to celebrate your birthday, to express gratitude for having you in my life, to tell you how meaningless you have rendered my words. Nothing I had read or heard or seen had prepared me for this onslaught of intense, animal like feelings I have for you. So, I know my words will do absolutely no justice to what I want to say.

Remember, I wrote in your diary, when I looked at you for the first time I thought you had the perfect face. Every single day for the past 2 years I have felt the same. You are the most beautiful person in the world, with eyes that twinkle and express and have complete conversations. And a nose that you think is a horn to press and say 'beep beep'. And lips that are shaped as if drawn on picture. And a chin that you just won't let me touch, screaming 'chin nahin, chin nahin'. 

There is nothing in the world that compares to your soft little hands stroking my hair and saying, 'cootie pie mamma' or your still body suddenly move to shower me with kisses as we lie down for the night. Every 'I love you' has to be answered with, 'lub you', every hug has to be reciprocated with a tighter one. I thought you were supposed to be terrible at two. If this is terrible, then I love terrible.

I admit I lose my temper with you screaming for 'bikit' fifty times in a day or you refusing to go to bed....ever. But you read my mood very well and know when to throw a big tantrum and when to stop in a minute. When I am stern, you grin and keep grinning till you get a smile. When all else fails, you ask for Papa as you have him wrapped around your finger....for life I think.

You love being with people but take your time getting comfortable. After I have said bye to you in the nursery, I peep inside and see you standing and observing everyone for a long time before you move towards any activity. You are learning to talk in English at the nursery and your accent is cute. You can communicate in Hindi, today I heard you speaking to your nursery nurse in Hindi , 'guv (gloves) kahan?' 

There are many things you can or cannot do. That is not important. What is important is that you grow up with the same surety of love that you feel from people around you now. I hope that the love and deep affection that you have received from so many people - your grandparents, aunt, uncle, even neighbours - helps make you strong, confident and sensitive. They say, you can tell a person's personality very early in life. If so, you are going to rock my baby. You are and will be a fine person - loving, intelligent and funny. A lover of music, dancing, books, and how can I; we look forward to great times with you.

Its a beautiful life my darling.


Thursday, 1 January 2009

The year that was

I am listening to H telling a friend on the phone that the year was great. I agree. We have had a busy year, with the move to London, a wedding in the family, and all the travel we have done. When I look back at the year, I feel that this has also been a year when many things have come together for us. D has consumed most of my time and mindspace this year. From a quiet no-fuss one-year old she transformed into a demanding toddler who is already giving me nightmares about her teenage years. But what a joy! Pure joy to see her grow into a loving, spirited, funny person.

The trip to India was great. It was one of those trips which have left me with a treasure-box of memories. My bro-in-law got married and what a party! It was one big dance-party. We had a great time. The entire extended family got a chance to spend time together and it was fun. D got a little hassled with all the crowd and lack of attention. She was too young to enjoy it I think.

We also had a sisters reunioun at my parents home. It was almost after ten years or so that we got a chance to really be together other than for weddings. We did nothing but chat, eat, chat and eat some more...It was a blissful time. This is the pull of the childhood home and siblings. There is no other place that can make you feel so at peace. D had a chance to spend time with her cousins and she loved being with them especially with A who is just 2 days older than her.

Heres wishing you a great 2009!