Wednesday, 8 August 2007

For the record

I signed up for the Landmark Forum course today and (I think) forced H to do so too. My friend A has been after me to attend the introduction and then decide about the Forum. He appeared to be more interested in enrolling H than me.

I will be attending the course on 14, 15, 16 and 18 Sep. It is quite ambitious as these are 9am-11pm affairs and I don't know how D is going to take it. I will have to begin training her from now.

I am writing this post to record why I am doing this course. This way I can come back after the course and see what I have achieved and which notions of mine were misplaced. The main reason I am doing this course is because I am curious. Most of my ex-colleagues did this course and have been raving about it. I have personally seen people (at least one person) becoming more effective after the course. And another person decided to entirely change his career at the age of 48 years. I have often wondered what they do there? Time to find answers. Besides I am hoping that this course will help me understand myself better and therefore help me respond to everything better.

Tall order!


GuruTruth said...

Dear MK,
I would be extremely cautious if I were you about attending a course led by this highly controversial "large group awareness training" company. I would strongly encourage you to read up and watch as much text/audio/video material available on the internet about the history and background about the organization, its business structure and those involved with the initial development of its concepts - before plunging into it.

Here is some more information and links to other resources, let me know what you think.

lgattruth blog

Landmark Education is conducted in a Large Group Awareness Training setting, information about it and its "The Forum" course, previously known as "The Forum" under Werner Erhard and Associates, the "technology" of which was developed by Werner Erhard and utilized in his prior "EST Training" or "Erhard Seminars Training" - is available through the links below:

A documentary came out in France, Voyage to the Land of the New Gurus, which details some of the for-profit company's interesting practices. The film aired to 1.5 million people in France. One month after it aired, the company shut down in France. The company attempted to use the Digital Millenium Copyright Act in order to get this video off the internet. More about this at Landmark Education stumbles stupidly to hollow settlement, Landmark Education wants to make French news report a “forbidden video” on the Net and at Why did Landmark Education leave France? as well as at the Electronic Frontier Foundation's legal page, Landmark and the Internet Archive and in an article from Reuters which went into The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times, among many other papers, at Google faces legal challenges over video service.

Landmark Education has been labeled "sect" by the government of France, a "sect" by the government of Austria. They were investigated multiple times by the United States Federal Department of Labor - and an investigation in 2004 by the Federal Department of Labor in France led to Landmark Education shutting down their operations in all of France due to unpaid labor practices.

Landmark Education is currently a defendant in a wrongful death case in Oklahoma, and also a young man named James Brian Rowe went missing in Colorado directly after attending a Landmark Forum in 2004. His family has not heard from him since.

More information about the company's history itself, at The Rick Ross Institute, the Skepdic site, Cult News, Introduction to the Landmark Education litigation archive, Landmark Education litigation archive, Apologetics Index, and Cult Awareness and Information Centre. The book OUTRAGEOUS BETRAYAL by Steven Pressman is also a great resource. Chapter 4, A Door to Door Mind Salesman, and Chapter 7, Enlightenment in Two Weekends - The est Training are available online.

For more information about other Large Group Awareness Training organizations and their methodologies, visit:

The Truth about Human Potential Seminars

Unknown said...

hey, i have attended the intro class too. It was impressive but too expensive to afford when i was in college. My friend's family is associated with it past few years. It feels good at the moment but helluva effort to practice it in ur life.u have to be closely associated else its faster forgotten than understood!